About the 0.3 update

First bug fix on the same day... ๐Ÿ˜…

If you replay the game without quitting & relaunching the program, the bonus stage songs may not play. I've always had audio issues with GMS 1 so honestly it's not surprising. This is definitely a programmer (i.e. ME) issue for not properly coding it.

Also noticed that when you die on Warp 6, the clock isn't animated. It was working perfectly fine, but I noticed it would animated slow when playing Turbo Mode. This is because the room is set to 90 fps (1.5x faster) instead of the normal 60 fps. I thought using "room_speed * .25" would fix it and I was sure it worked fine. But the animation stuck on the last frame.

I know the countdown clock is fixed in v0.3, but I'm not 100% sure the song bugs are. I can only cross my fingers that it doesn't happen again. And if it does, it'll be easy for me to figure out. What causes it? When playing from a freshly launched game, I use code to fade out the audio. So I'm sure the songs techincally play again, it's just the gain is set to 0. So I added code to correct the volume back to the preferred Music Level set in Options. Fingers crossed ๐Ÿคž

Thanks for reading my blurb. I'm glad I'm finally able to release the demo for this. I've been working on it in my spare time over the last 2.5 years.


Torasu Demo 0.3.zip 109 MB
95 days ago

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